History of Allen Sunrise
Rooted in Allen, TX since 1997, our Rotary Club is a center of service, whose diverse members are professionals in both the world of business & health care, retirees, and community leaders with service in their hearts, people of action working together to make lasting change both in their community & internationally. Our Rotarians volunteer for several service-impacting projects and fundraisers* that support education, contribute to eradicating Polio worldwide, promote basic elementary literacy and help those who are either without food, water, or live in poverty. Through fellowship in each endeavor, we connect with neighbors, friends, and local leaders to problem solve, inspire, and rise by lifting others who are less fortunate in our Allen community, the true beneficiary.
- Volunteering at the ALLEN COMMUNITY OUTREACH (food pantry);
- Packaging meals for malnourished children in Honduras through Change The World’s Kids Against Hunger program;
- Planting a tree for each active Club member and in honor of those who recently passed on;
- Cleaning up litter along both a heavily-traveled community road & a dam;
- Mentoring elementary School readers to increase basic literacy;
- Awarding annual scholarships to seven graduating Allen High School seniors each year;
- Hosting an annual Christmas Parade in early December through the City of Allen’s historical downtown to fund area service projects;
- Donating jars of peanut butter and microwavable macaroni & cheese 4-packs to feed hungry children and their families as part of our Allen High School Interact Club’s LEADERSHIP SUMMIT service project;
- Donating to and aligning with Rotary’s longstanding resolve to rid the world of polio forever